Julia language Basics cheat sheet

String Theory! :Use ” or “”” for strings and ‘ for characters. println(“Hello, my name is $name.”) println(“That is $(num_fingers + num_toes) digits in all!!”)string(“I don’t know, but “, 😺, ” is too few.”)s3*s4 To handle errors:@assert *condition* “Error message” Tuple: myfavoriteanimals = (“penguins”, “cats”, “sugargliders”)myfavoriteanimals[1]You cannot do this: myfavoriteanimals[1] = “otters” Named Tuple: myfavoriteanimals =… Continue reading Julia language Basics cheat sheet

Install a jupyter hub with a terminal access to Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with docker

here open a terminal docker ps -a docker pull jupyterhub/jupyterhub docker run -it -p 8000:8000 –name jhubcontainer [jupyterhub/juoyterhub or the ID here] bash apt update apt-get update apt-get install -y git apt-get install npm nodejs python3 python3-pip git nano python3 -m pip install jupyterhub notebook jupyterlab npm install -g configurable-http-proxy apt-get update apt-get install zsh… Continue reading Install a jupyter hub with a terminal access to Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with docker

Automate Teams with your first Python Alerting Bot

In many companies, Microsoft Teams is at the heart of corporate communications. You can talk with colleagues, plan and assist meetings, create Teams to share information and files within a project. As claimed, it is the hub of Microsoft collaboration. Today, let’s see how to empower Teams with automation and use it for sending personal or professional notifications.… Continue reading Automate Teams with your first Python Alerting Bot

اتصال گیت به سرور gitlab

بعد از git init روی فولدر مورد نظر و ساختن پروژه اون بالا این دستور ها رو توی git bash بزنین چند تا سوال میپرسه. همه رو رد کنین با اینتر. نیازی نیست چیزی وارد کنین. https://git…./-/profile/keys بعدش از همون ترمینال این کامند رو بزنین یه متنی نشون میده اون رو کپی کنین توی باکسی… Continue reading اتصال گیت به سرور gitlab

How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu

Prerequisites A user account with sudo privileges Access to a command line/terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) Steps For Installing Anaconda Our tutorial on installing Anaconda on Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04 includes downloading the latest version, verifying data integrity of the installer, and running the bash install script. Step 1: Update Local Package Manager Start by updating the local… Continue reading How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu

گرفتن قیمت یورو چندسال گذشته

از سایت بن بست با پایتون نتیجه رو می‌تونید از این آدرس بردارید که تا این تاریخ داخلش هست. امتحان کانکشن گرفتن مقادیر با تاریخ شمسی می‌تونید از این آدرس جدول تبدیل تاریخ میلادی به شمسی رو بردارید خروجی اکسل